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By Imran Malik
Fat people faces numerous problems in trying to be more active and smart, if you unfortunately are fat so you can’t move or work as the other people can who have average weight, it’s very difficult & challenging to loss your weight but can be possible, here are the weight loss tips, programs, fitness, diet plans, exercise, and motivation.
Here are the Top 10 Tips, Programs and Ideas to loss your weight:
1. Exercise is Fundamental for weight loss:
The exercise is almost certainly the very important predictor for long term losing weight, the research shown that three 10 minutes daily exercise sessions or between 30 to 60 minutes physical activity are good to stay more healthy. For burn calories you need weight bearing exercises twice a week. You should to prepare your mind from one of these like walk, jog or run whatever you want to do. Pick any routine that you most like by this you can easily stick around this for long period and take interest in any sports activity or join local gyms or fitness clubs. So once go through with exercise you will start to enjoy its positives benefits on your physical appearance as well enjoy happy life.
2. Carry On Food Diary:
The diary can give extra ordinary benefits in successful weight loss. Keeping a food diary can be a huge asset in successful weight loss. You need to dedicate some time every day to record your daily food details like how much you eat and hunger level, its can be very helpful to show the emotions when overeating and make great healthy changes where needed. You can record your daily calories, schedule them easily and make you smarter yourself by the help of keeping food diary or journal.
3. Control on foods instead of eliminate them:
Taking limit fat foods in diet can be helpful in losing weight, small quantity of meals help to keep balance in calories so its need to avoid eating big 03 meals in the whole day and the best is that eat 04 or 05 less fat meals instead of eliminate them with unnecessary fat-free food which couldn’t be help you to loss your weight.
4. Drink water for losing weight:
If you like sugary soda so avoid it quickly as well as diet soda, milk, fruit juices cad add extra calories in your intake, drink at least 6 to 8 glass of water in a whole day, you can use lemon juice. It’s very hard thing to loss your weight but can make huge difference.
5. Loss weight with slightly changes:
Start your diet slowly and struggle for weight loss not more than 1-2 pounds in a week, one pound of weight equal to 3500 calories, so small changes are easy to maintain against drastic ones, you can reduce your weight by daily exercise at least 250 calories and eliminating 250 calories from daily food so you can complete your weekly target easily to reduce 1-2 pound weight. Leave little food from meals plates, drink water instead of sugary soda etc, these small changes can be maintained for over the months and years.
6. Slowly eat but don’t overeat:
Don’t over eat and no need to eat until your stomach feels like it’s blowing up, eat slowly its good for loss weight, this is because when you start eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start indicating feelings of fullness, and the quantity of calories consumed before you start to feel full can be different considerably depending on how fast you eat, therefore slow eat, take small bites.
7. Use Vegetables:
Vegetables are filled with valuable fibers, vitamins etc that fill up stomach fast and feel you full quickly, these are low in calories and help you to control your calories.
8. Check quantity of carbohydrates & calories before buying food products:
If we taking extra carbohydrates there may be risk for health because carbohydrates make their shapes in fats so we need to take carbohydrates in low quantity in our diet, whenever buy products must see the quantity of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats etc and we need to eat small fat foods but rich in proteins such as chicken, grains, nuts, fish, vegetables.
9. Aerobic Activities:
The aerobic exercises just not only burn calories, they also make your heart healthy and keep you fit and smart, if you have joint problem or extra overweight the swimming is good thing it can give you same benefits of running, try to do between 30-50 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3 to 5 days in a week. It can raise the metabolism for some time after the exercises.
10. Set goals and targets to loss weight:
Once you know the exact loss weight that you want could be quite easy to make realistic targets, healthy weight loss is achievable very fast, but its required patient and make sure that the goals you settled is a healthy weight and should be for healthy and smart body, not a quantity of pounds. It’s not possible to loss 60 pounds in 4 weeks therefore you should have realistic target therefore with good planning you can loss extra pounds, and all these need motivation levels very high and must follow all the rules and regulations that you made yourself and stick to the weight loss program.
About the Author: As content writer I have written many articles related to health, fitness and beauty etc, currently writing for
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