1 Z0 053: Oracle Database 11g: Administration Ii Knowledge}

Submitted by: Fawzah Rafa

1Z0-053: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II certification exam has been designed for the professionals that are very much already aware of the Oracle database which they have attained from their experience, the exam helps these professionals to gain the title of Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional which they achieve after passing the exam, the time given for the exam is hundred and five minutes.

1Z0-053 Exams: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II certification exam has been designed for the professionals that are very much already aware of the Oracle database which they have attained from their experience, the exam helps these professionals to gain the title of Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional which they achieve after passing the exam, the time given for the exam is hundred and five minutes in which they have to solve questions that are seventy eight in number. Passing level of the exam is sixty six percent.

1Z0-053 Tests: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II certification exam is a very advantageous exam designed for the professionals of information technology, on the subject of Oracle Database, this exam provides the applicants with a number of knowledge on various subjects which has been given as the course outline as under:

Database Architecture and ASM is the first topic which consists of the Automatic Storage Management (ASM), Set up initialization parameter files for ASM and database instances, Start up and shut down ASM instances and Administer ASM disk groups.


Configuring for Recoverability is the next topic in which the applicants have to configure multiple archive log file destinations to increase Configure the Flash Recovery Area and Use Flash Recovery Area.

Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog is another 1Z0-053 Certification Tests: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II certification exam topic which covers to Identify situations that require RMAN Synchronize the recovery catalog and use a virtual private catalog.

1Z0-053 Sample Tests Configuring Backup Specifications includes the task to Configure backup settings, Allocate channels to use in backing up and Configure backup optimization. The topic of Using RMAN to Create Backups which consists of the task to create image sets, Create an archival backup for long-term retention, multisection, compressed and encrypted backup and Report on and maintain backups.

Performing User-Managed Backup and Recovery consists of the task to recover from the loss of data. 1Z0-053 Online Education The topic of how to perform user-managed incomplete database recovery consists of user-managed and server and recover a control file. Using RMAN to Perform Recovery consists of the knowledge of complete recovery from a critical or noncritical data file loss using RMAN, incomplete Switch to image copies for using a backup control file and Perform Disaster recovery.

Using RMAN to Duplicate a Database includes the 1Z0-053 Study Kits: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II certification exam knowledge of Creating a duplicate database and using a duplicate database. The topic of Performing Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery consists of the task to identify the situations that require TSPITR and Perform automated TSPITR. The topic of Monitoring and Tuning RMAN includes the knowledge of Monitoring RMAN sessions and jobs, Tuning RMAN and Configure RMAN for Asynchronous I/O.

1Z0-053 Training Kits: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II certification exam can be prepared by Oracle Database 10g /11g Administration II, Seminar Value Package: Oracle Database Admin 2, Oracle authorized practice exam from Kaplan SelfTest: 1Z0-053 Oracle Database 11g: Administration II, Oracle authorized practice exam from Transcender: Cert-1Z0-053 DBCert: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II, Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II and OPN Guided Learning Path: Oracle Database 11g Implementation Specialist.

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