- Read An Opinion On:
- Work Accident Compensation Claim
By John Oleander
In a perfect world, what you do when you are driving and see a yellow light, you would slow down and start to stop for the red light. But, as we all know, we do not live in a perfect world. Some if not most of us put the pedal to the metal whenever we see the dreaded yellow light. We are in a fast paced world, and every second counts. Everyday ticks and passes by almost as fast as the second hand of your clock ticks. So a lot of drivers tend to beat the red light. However, the consequence of this action is a ticket; not only that, but valued points on your driver’s record. So, how do you Fight a Red Light Ticket?
If you have to Fight a Red Light Ticket, you do not actually fight with the officer. What you should do is be polite and be submissive to the arresting officer. Your aim would be to get some leniency and hope that the arresting officer would cut you some slack. This would be especially effective for first time offenders. When you get pulled over, remember to turn your hazard lights on and engine off. When the officer approaches your window, make sure that before he or she reaches your window it must already be rolled down. Also, have your hands on the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock position once the officer approaches. Then, have your driver’s licence and registration prepared. Make the officer feel comfortable and safe. Try to make this painstaking process be as easy and as fast for the officer, and you, as possible and this could put him or her in a good mood. When you Fight a Red Light Ticket, do not talk to the officer first, let him or her have the first word. When you want to talk about your offense, ask the officer first if you can talk about it before blurting out. Just be polite and apologetic, and this could earn you some leniency. It is better to be honest, but there are some lines to avoid. Like saying you were late for work as it makes you irresponsible in two ways, driving and work. If you have a degree in acting, you could lie about having bad stomach pains and need to get home to use the bathroom, but these are very risky.
If the arresting officer does not give you any leniency and you think you have failed to Fight Red Light Ticket, do not give up just yet and pay the ticket by mail immediately. You still have two choices to successfully Fight a Red Light Ticket. First is to contest the charge via snail-mail. This can be done in California and Nevada. Less than half of these are actually prosecuted. Another way, and this could be the hardest to pull off as it is out of your hands, is to hope the officer does not show up for your case or forgets an important detail in your case, this would immediately dismiss the case and you would win the Fight Red Light Ticket.
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