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By Kenneth Echie
Getting a doctorate degree qualifies you for a special club. It is the club of people that are considered an Authority is their chosen field of study. Not everybody can qualify for this club. It takes considerable study and dedication to earn the right of passage to this special club. And make no mistake about it, the gatekeepers of this club do not hand the keys to the entrance very easily.
But why would anybody put themselves through the torture of such rigorous study? Is it worth it? Are there benefits to be gained after one acquires the right of passage. In this article, I cover why you should get a doctorate degree in criminal justice.
1. Getting a doctorate degree in criminal justice almost assures you of employment when you graduate. How many PhD holders do you know that are not employed? If you know many, I submit to you that they probably went to diploma mill school where doctorate degrees are handed to people with the money to get one.
Because reputable doctorate programs subject their students to rigorous study, graduates are held in high regard. In fact, most PhD students start working by teaching as teaching assistants while getting their degree. This teaching experience gives you the relevant experience to get employment as soon as you graduate. If you are not given employment by your current school, there are other schools or organizations that will be there to snap you up as soon as you complete your program.
2. As I said above, a doctorate degree makes you an authority in your chosen field of study. So a doctorate degree in criminal justice will make you an authority in the criminal justice field. Your opinion and expertise will be sought in matters related to criminal justice.
You should be prepared to be called to testify in court cases. You may also be called to offer your expertise in legislative issues relating to criminal justice. And if you are really good and possess good communication skills, media such as television and newspapers may interview you for criminal justice news stories.
You can use the media exposure to set yourself up for consulting opportunities. As a consultant, you get to charge people for your services.
3. Another reason to get a doctorate degree in criminal justice is the pay. People with a PhD degree make an average salary of $77,000 per year compared to people with masters degree that make an average of$61,000 per year. This is a whopping $18,000 more per year.
You can also make extra income on the side. Working for a company or organization does not stop you from being a consultant and making money on the side. It is difficult for any organization you work for to stop you when your expertise is sought. This is especially true when it comes to criminal justice issues that could be of benefit to society.
The above are just a few of the whys and reasons you should consider getting a doctorate degree in criminal justice. There are definitely more. But it is hard to cover all of them in such a short article as this. I advise you to look further if you are still wondering why you should get a doctorate degree in criminal justice. There are websites on the internet that cover them in more detail. You should visit them for more information.
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About the Author: Copywrite Kenneth Echie. Kenneth is a writer for Criminal Justice Degrees . Get free scholarship and grant report and find Online Criminal Justice Doctorate Degrees by visiting. Affiliated website: Extra Income Ideas http://www.continuingeducation4u.info
Source: isnare.com
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