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By Jed Lampi
Shopping is either pure bliss or torture depending on who you ask. Regardless of which end of the spectrum you are on,
Android apps
will help you save money and allow you to become a more efficient shopper (which Im sure appeals to most of you). So what does that entail? Itll give the shopaholics more bang for their buck, which is never a bad thing. Perhaps even more importantly, these Android apps will provide shopaphobes what they really crave- less time in the stores!
The pure power and functionality of these Android apps can really make shopping virtually an all new experience. No matter if these apps function as a shopping list, database, storefront or a supplemental knowledge source, theyre all squarely aimed at one thing: if you use them, they will save you money!
Youre getting a feeling like Android shopping apps, in general, might just help you, right? Well here are 10 Android apps that will save you money while they help you fulfill all your shopping needs and desires. Oh and did I mention that all these ten are completely FREE to download?
Want to know more about an item you saw on the rack? Just use SnapTell to scan the barcode of any CD, DVD, book or video game and you will be able to get all the information you could possibly need. What type of information? Well, if you just want some more cursory information, thatll work. Most notably, if you want to see how the price stacks up to other distributors, it can do that for you in seconds. This app could be a big time money-saver for you if you take the time to use it before you make that next media purchase!
Key Ring Reward Cards
This is a very handy app to consolidate all your clutter in your purse/wallet while ensuring that you dont lose valuable reward/loyalty cards. How does it work? All you do is take a snapshot of the barcode of your reward card (just about any decent sized company with a rewards program is in the database- over 650 programs) and enter some basic information about the store. Thats it; youre now ready to use your phone as your reward card at that store in the future by pulling up your reward information from that store on this Android app. Its probably not for non-techies or those who crave extreme simplicity. It is, however, a great idea and technology that will no doubt get crisper in the future.
If you dont mind carrying all your reward cards and potentially losing one or two along the way (and having to suffer through the wait to replace the card), this free Android app sounds like a waste of time. But, if the extra inch of not-so-soft plastic padding for your rump (or the misuse of perfectly good purse space- not to mention the potential inability to use your chic tiny purse out shopping) isnt idyllic, this app is worth the few minutes to download and get everything set up properly.
This is the perfect app for the happy, busy family of Android phone users. It allows the kids to endlessly add all their necessary foods. When the items are purchased, they can be removed from the list (on all the Android phones its registered to) and then, 4 hours later, they can easily be added back onto the list! Joking aside, this is a great app to have for the new-age hyper busy, hyper tech families that want to become more efficient.
Hey, it costs a lot of money to keep purchasing that extra loaf of bread that your husband/wife (or even you- thanks to that undecided hmmm, dont we need bread moment even though you just bought two loaves yesterday- yes youre not alone!) just picked up and will end up turning green before anyone has a chance to make a sandwich with it.
OI Shopping list
To me, this app, fully named the OpenIntents Shopping list, is like the OurGroceries for the single folks out there. Not to say a family wouldnt benefit from this app, it just has more features and its not a perfect fit like the other app is for families that need a simple solution to keep up on their latest shopping needs. That being said, this app is a powerful workhorse and can really end up saving you countless hours and some decent cash at years end.
US Yellow Pages Search
This is one of the more useful free Android apps available and Ill be honest, it doesnt 100% fit with the theme of helping you save money while shopping. I could argue that it does, but for simplicity, Ill just use an old clich: Time is Money! Saving some time is just as good as saving cash on those busy days out and about. Having this app on your Android phone is like having 300 super-thick Yellowbooks from all over the US crammed into your back pocket. Not a bad thing if you travel a decent amount or enjoy living outside of your house. Its just a great resource to have on hand for those times when you need to find a businesss number fast.
This official app brings eBay to your Android phone. Its kind of crazy, but I think I like this UI better than the actual website on my computer. I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad. Nonetheless, it gives you an idea that this Android app was developed correctly and really hits the mark. That is, if youre an eBay fan; if youre not, sorry!
Similar to eBays Android app, this beauty from Amazon (actual name of the app is Amazon . com)brings all the functionality from the full-sized website to your Android phone. Its amazing how seamless this transition appears for these giant resellers. This is a great thing for us though!
The last of the GIANT resellers Android apps on this list, I promise. Well, kind of: if you dont include Groupon in your list of resellers, I havent lied to you. So, if youve ever used Craigslist, you know how utterly important it is to check out a potential killer item within 5 minutes of it being posted and subsequently be the first handful of people to contact the seller to have any hopes of actually ending up with it in your possession.
That being said, if you use Craigslist and you have an Android phone, YOU NEED THIS APP NOW! Haha, sorry to scream, but if youre going to use this portal of goodness with the hopes of eventually buying something you want/need, you have to have instant access to newly posted items. The only way to do that (Im taking liberties assuming you arent a recluse and on your home computer 24/7) is to have access on-the-go to instant notifications for your set of items that interest you and also a way to view them. This app performs both of these necessary actions and does them well.
*Please, for your sake, if you want to be the guy (gal) bragging about the awesome deal you got on the coolest thing in the world instead of the not-so-happy version of you regrettably telling the story about the one that got away to anyone who will listen, download this app!*
This is the official app from the immensely popular and rapidly growing Groupon website. This site has a cult-like following (not in a bad way!) which actually benefits its users. Essentially, the more people that use their services, the more offers are presented to the users and that helps all of us save a good amount of money! This free Android app ensures that youre never out of the Groupon loop and youll have the opportunity to take advantage of the appealing offers wherever you may be.
The Coupons App
Another money-saving coupon app? Yes! Thats all I can say- the prospects of saving a buck in this economy is a powerful force it seems. Im almost a bit surprised at myself that I didnt completely inundate this shopping list with coupon apps (patting myself on the shoulder for spreading out the love). If only I could go back in time to 1989 and use this app instead of clipping 500-plus coupons from the Sunday paper (for my mom). Well those were good times- minus the paper cuts.
Whats this Android app going to do for you? Anything and everything coupon related; it brings the coupons with you on your phone and allows you to find new ones even while youre at the store! Thats pretty awesome for those of us not commanding Top CEO salaries
Honorable Mention
Theres only one free Android app that I would consider putting on this list. The reason is because its probably the most important app for everyone to download today. I consider it more of a mandatory app than an Android shopping app and thats why its here.
The app Im speaking of is the
Barcode Scanner
. Among other things, it allows you to browse the web on your computer and take a photo of the QR Code of an app youre interested in downloading. Once the code is processed (which takes very little time- talking seconds), the corresponding Android apps download page appears in the Google Marketplace! Its that simple and works like a charm once you get past the short operator error stage that plagues most of us.
About the Author: I own the
Android Apps Finder
site where you can find every Android app. If you enjoyed this article and want to read more “Top Ten” Android Apps articles like it, visit my
Android Apps Blog
where I upload new content at least every other day!
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