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By Christopher Granger
Panic attacks usually happen when a person becomes overly worried, scared, or if they find themselves in an uncomfortable social situation. The symptoms that come with panic attacks are excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, and hyperventilating. If you find that you are constantly suffering from symptoms like these, and you would like to put a stop to them, here are some tips you can use for stopping panic attacks immediately.
Try to Relax and Breathe Deeply
If you are feeling that a panic attack is coming, do your best to stay in control of your body. Close your eyes, try to relax all of your muscles, and focus your thoughts on your breathing. By diverting your thoughts from the things that trigger your panic attack you can stop it from happening. If you are driving, pull over to the side of the road, and then do this technique.
Listen to Music and Change Your Surroundings
Music can change the activity within the brain, so it can be used to stop anxiety attacks. The choice of music does not matter, as long as you enjoy listening to that kind of music, so always have an MP3 player handy whenever you go out of the house. So the next time you start feeling uncomfortable, excuse yourself for a couple of minutes and listen to your favorite tunes.
If you want to stop your panic attack even faster, you should go out of the room and get some fresh air. Changing your surroundings allows you to escape from whatever it is that is triggering your panic attacks if even for a short while.
Keep a Journal
If you have been suffering from panic symptoms for a long time, then you have probably tried a lot of different methods for stopping panic attacks. But unfortunately, not all of them seem to have much of an effect in relieving your condition. By keeping a journal that details your experiences in dealing with your anxiety disorder, you will learn an organized approach to getting rid of anxiety. For instance, you can write down what methods you have already tried but did not work for you, this way you will not risk using the same technique and fail once again. You can also make a list of what caused your panic attacks. By becoming aware of what triggers these attacks, you will have a better chance of preventing them from happening in the future.
These three techniques are relatively simple, but they are very effective in fighting anxiety; they may even be the key to getting rid of your panic attacks for good.
Once you have mastered these simple methods of stopping panic attacks, you will immediately see a positive change in your quality of life. Remember that medication should only be used as a last resort, because overuse of them could lead to a dependency on the drugs, which will only make your anxiety worse. You need to learn how to take back control of your body, and not let fear and panic get the best of you.
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