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From the time an adolescent boy discovers what the male organ canreally do, self-stimulation can become a frequent occupation. Self-pleasuringprovides comfort, relaxation, release, and an intense good feeling that onlythe act of intercourse itself can replicate. Unfortunately, boys are oftentaught that self-stimulation is wrong, and that any number of bad things willhappen if they engage in such an activity. A whole mythology has sprung uparound the issue, involving side effects like hairy palms, blindness, permanentdisfigurement, and infertility.
However, the truth is that self-stimulation has numerous importantbenefits that can have a positive effect on a mansmale organ health, inaddition to his overall physical and emotional well-being.
The 5 most important benefits of self-stimulation
Self-pleasuring helps preventcancer
According to a 2003 study conducted inAustralia, men who got off 5 times or more each week had a reduced risk ofdeveloping life-threatening prostate cancer. This is apparently due to the factthat release flushes built-up toxins from the male organ tract, preventing themfrom causing cellular damage that can lead to cancer.
Rubbing one out makes tumescenceharder and stronger
Getting it off regularly helps to workthe pelvic floor muscles and to boost circulation to the area, resulting instronger, harder expansions that are sturdy enough to stay the course. On theother hand, as the old saying goes, he who doesnt use it, loses it, so takingcare of business can help to stave off future problems with male dysfunction.
Self-pleasuring helps men to lastlonger in the sack
Men who have issues with prematurerelease may be able to train the old John Thomas to take a little more time inbed by working at going longer when going solo. To extend between-the-sheetsessions, men can try upping the number of strokes it takes to arrive everytime they engage in a little alone time.
Self-stimulation can boost immunity
The hormone cortisol, which is oftenreferred to as the stress hormone, actually plays in important role inregulating the bodys immune response. Self-stimulation releases small amountsof cortisol into the body, thereby helping to boost the immune system andincrease its ability to fight off disease.
Self-stimulation is a demonstratedmood enhancer
As most guys already know, a regulartrip to the palm prom is a great way to release anxiety, boost a bad mood, andpromote an overall sense of well-being. This is due to the neurochemicalsoxytocin and dopamine that are released as part of the process two chemicalsproduced by the body that are responsible for helping men to feel relaxed,happy and good about themselves.
Keeping the equipment in good repair
In spite of the clear benefits of self-pleasuring, rough handlingof the package can take a toll, leading to skin and nerve damage that cansignificantly diminish the pleasurable sensations related to manual stroking.Dry skin, minute tears, and damage to the delicate nerve tissue under the maleskin can result from dry stroking or an overly firm grip.
To alleviate this problem, a personal lubricant is essential forevery session. In between rounds, men can promote healing and good health bykeeping the area clean, wearing non-restrictive clothing, and adding ahigh-qualitymale organ vitamin cream(most health professionalsrecommend Man 1 Man Oil)tothe daily male organ care regimen. Male organ-specific nutrients such asvitamins A, C, D and E, as well as natural moisturizers, can stimulate theregrowth of healthy, supple, responsive tissue and enhance the look and feel ofthe manhood; these benefits can help self-stimulation to feel better, not tomention making the package more attractive when a partner comes into the mix.