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By Stewart Wrighter
If you are struggling with the many career options ahead of you such as futures trading, teaching, writing, educating then you may want to consider taking an aptitude test to help you better decide what you are capable of becoming. Everyone has a unique set of skills that sets them up for success in a particular field. The test can be taken in order to decide whether commodity futures trading or medical school should be in your future. Because so many college students or budding professionals have no idea what they should do next, many apply to a great range of jobs. But in order to create an excellent resume and cover letter, it is a good idea for each prospect to have a good understanding of what he is personally capable of. The daunting task of choosing a career does not have to be so difficult. Really, each one of us gravitates toward a particular field because each one of us is equipped with our own unique talents and skills.
First, think about what your interests are. These do not have to be job related, you can relate your interests to the job market instead. Although many of us settle for less, having a career that appeals to our interest, matters a great deal. By working in a field that pleases us, we are more willing to get up and go to work each day. Success is often determined by how much we enjoy our job; we care more about what we are doing if we enjoy doing it.
After you have considered your own personality and interests, it is time to take the aptitude test. This test will measure performance in a variety of different areas. Many of the aspects of the test take the tester’s common sense and basic understanding into consideration. Test takers will be evaluated based on their ability to understand the written word, numeric problems and basic math. The test also examines spatial visualization and perception of shapes and patterns as seen in 3D. Technical skills are also taken into account. Test takers will be evaluated based upon their technical abilities, ability to think quickly and ability to accurately process information.
Career aptitude tests are given through many different facilities. They can be found online, but often tests found online do not give the best results. Career planning centers at universities are among the best places to obtain such a test, as it can be helpful to take one that is administered by a professional. If you are not a student, check with the community college in your area and see whether they offer aptitude tests for nonstudents. Community colleges are likely to offer affordable tests and can be found in just about any county throughout the country.
Besides telling you what kind of a career is right for you, an aptitude test will highlight the areas that need improvement. Remember, no test is conclusive: we are always learning and improving, and if you feel that there are areas you must strengthen, an aptitude test will help you understand your own weaknesses a little better.
About the Author: Stewart Wrighter recently researched
futures trading
for an article on the stock market. He learned that
commodity futures trading
can be a lucrative profession.
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