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Submitted by: Leon Groom
When choosing Internet hosting features many businesses focus first on cost and then on what they get for their money. What these brick and mortar businesses do not understand is that they are creating a whole new presence for their company, in an virtual environment called the Internet. Anything can be found with low prices on the Internet, but finding quality anything s is a whole different ball game entirely.
When choosing Internet hosting features, you should have a good idea of what your own business website will need to function as an online business. Some companies think that just establishing a simple web page with their custom log and a short list of services and a telephone number will suffice on the Internet. In some instances, this will work quite nicely.
If your business has a lot of products to sell, then when choosing Internet hosting features, you are going to need not only the home page for your internet business, but you will need to create custom web pages for each department that your products are marketed in. A boating store might feature yachts, rowboats and racers, and the associated equipment for all of those watercraft.
If your company is choosing Internet hosting features, then the hosting site should offer a web page creation tool, that will support the uploading of all of your files, including photographs. These files should be maintained on a private service for the use of your company alone. The description of your products might be stored on a totally different server.
The server space that your company is allotted to use on the Internet hosting servers should be well defined before you sign your contract. This space should be upgradeable if your business flourishes, and your inventories increase.
If not, you will need to find an alternative way to store your photographs on a private server, that might be in a totally different location. Making updates and changes to these files can become very difficult over time. When choosing Internet hosting features, it might be a good idea to get a visual picture of all of the equipment that this company has to offer you. One server with a good T-1 connection would not be a good choice for your company.
Other areas to consider when choosing Internet hosting features is the purchase of your domain name. Some Internet hosting features only offer you a basic name, but the Internet hosting services office owns that domain name because they purchased a block of web addresses from the WWW organization. After the period of one year, your web name may come up for renewal and you might not be given the opportunity to purchase that name to use another year. It s at the discretion of the web hosting service, and if they want to, they can require that you pay a very large fee to have your domain name for another year.
Some people when choosing Internet hosting features look for email storage servers, scripts and forms capabilities that are compatible with the operating system that their current website was created in, and whether such features as real audio, Java, and mail list management is included in the price of the website package you are considering to purchase.
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