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Essential Items You Should Bring Along During An Evacuation
Even without reading a survival guide, you might have been hearing a great deal about survival bags and bug out kits lately. The truth is, the more news of accidents and calamities happening all over the world, the more people are finding out about these survival bags. Emergency bags are meant for hectic situations, or in scenarios wherein there is no time to think and even less time to gather all the things you need to evacuate to a safer place. Some people like to keep these kits near the entrance or inside the vehicle so that they’re ready to evacuate at any time.
Tips for Making Your Survival Kit
1. Light and Heat Resources
You must always suppose that you will not have a constant supply of electricity if you move out of your home because of a natural calamity. With this in mind, you can come up with various plans to provide yourself with lighting and heating supplies. Get battery-operated lamps, water-resistant matches and flint. Keep the batteries and matches in waterproof plastic containers.
2. Ponchos, Jackets and a Change of Clothing
Garments that shelter you from the elements are great to pack in your survival kits. These pieces of clothing should have the capacity to protect you from the cold and from rain, and can double as pillows when the weather is warm. You must never forget to include a change of clothing, particularly socks and underwear. Wrap your clothing in rainproof plastic to keep them dry.
Wear neon colored clothing like those that bikers wear to be more detectable to motorists. If you’re evacuating on foot, these are important for your welfare.
3. Provisions and Water
It is suggested to include an unopened bottle of distilled water inside the kit for individual use. But if you’re fleeing from danger with your family, the one who can carry more should lug a gallon or two of distilled water for the whole family to drink. Power drinks are not recommended as they are diuretics.
Trail mix and power bars are excellent as emergency food. Anything that will keep well without refrigeration and small enough to fit inside the kit can be used.
4. Temporary shelter
Whether it’s a small umbrella or a tarp for two individuals, make sure you have something that will defend you from precipitation and cold just in case you need to sleep out in the open. Waterproof tents are recommended for this purpose. You can spray your tarpaulin with silicon to provide more lasting power and toughness. Small raincoats can be added into the bags meant for children, while bigger tarpaulins can be carried by teenagers.
5. Knife for Cutting
A jungle knife is required for cutting rope, opening canned food and for self-protection. It is also needed for making fire when you are utilizing flint instead of matches. Grown-ups should be the ones to carry knives in their bags.
6. First Aid Bag
The basic first aid kit includes remedies for severe headaches, tummy aches and for treating wounds. You should also stock up on bandages and cotton balls. Have a splint ready just in case a person slips and breaks a bone. Your first aid kit should also include anti-hypersensitivity pills if one person in your family is allergic to dust or other pollutants. Medicines for high blood pressure should be added into your first aid kit if a person is suffering from hypertension in your family. The same goes for other conditions that need maintenance tablets.
The author is a survival guide specialist whose passion in life involves teaching people how to survive natural disasters and war. Find out more about the person behind this article and get more advice on survival by visiting http://www.weaponscombat.com.
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Essential Items You Should Bring Along During An Evacuation}