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Five Common Alternative Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
Andrew Stratton
Some critics agree with supporters and indulgers of cosmetic surgery that minor and extensive plastic surgery procedures such as microdermabrasion and even body reconstruction can be needed for the removal of unwanted scars or recovery of life or vital bodily form or function after a serious accident. But they disagree when it comes to the want, cost and purpose of some of the world\’s weirdest cosmetic surgery procedures. They seem to be attractive to men and women out of a strong desire to alter their physical appearance for alteration sake. It is their choice much like those who opt for any form of elective surgery. But there are a few little known procedures that have been birthed out of a growing desire to recreate features of the human form that each participating, creative-minded patient and artistic surgeon is willing to undertake. On the one hand, a few of the weirdest procedures that men and women seek each year include areola (nipple) removal for men, pubic hair transplants for women who have difficulty growing their own and vampire teeth implants for men and women who\’ve become inspired by their literary and film fantasies.
On the other hand, some of the alternative cosmetic surgery procedures on the list are no surprise to anyone who has kept up with popular culture in the past decade. A few of the well-known examples include: hymenoplasty, iris implants, ankle liposuction, look alike surgery and nowadays DIY (do it yourself) plastic surgery.
Hymenoplasty refers to the reconstruction of the hymen, not to revisit the woman\’s personal experience but for her cultural beliefs or often times her new husband\’s beliefs. Intraocular implants (iris implants) is the process of changing one\’s eye color permanently instead of opting for color contacts. Ankle liposuction helps patients to revise the shape of their ankles by giving them more definition in a sleeker appearance. Look alike surgery is when a man or woman undergoes several cosmetic surgery procedures in order to posses the feature shapes and sizes of their favorite celebrity or a family member because they feel as though they don\’t look like their twin or enough like their rest of their siblings. Today, do it yourself plastic surgery is on the rise. To undertake these procedures isn\’t the risk it is the fact that many people are injecting themselves, implying solutions, applications and using devices that are not regulated. Not only are the products unsafe, the patient is not trained to use them or understand the significance of access to medical attention before, during and after any type of cosmetic procedure. Although all of these procedures are seen as weird, they are feasible forms of self-expression that helps men and women feel good about their appearance with long-term physical changes fine tuned to their vision.
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