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Submitted by: Stacy Carolin
Schmidt Porcelain of Brazil
A brief word about porcelain
It is hard to imagine having a discussion about commercial or restaurant grade dinnerware and tableware without mentioning Schmidt Porcelain of Brazil as being the preferred product of choice with discerning chefs and household consumers. It is a ceramic material that is manufactured by baking certain raw materials which typically includes a variety of clays in the form of kaolin. The name porcelain was derived from the Italian word porcellana translates as cowrie shell and probably came about by virtue of the way it resembles the shell s translucent surface.
It is oftentimes referred to informally as China in a variety of English-speaking regions of the world. The use of the term China stems from the fact that originally, all the world s porcelain came from China. There are certain characteristics that are typically associated with porcelain, including:
oconsiderable strength
ohigh resistance to chemical attack
ohigh resistance to thermal shock
olow elasticity and permeability
The above characteristics hold true with Schmidt Porcelain of Brazil, so you know that you will be purchasing the highest quality product available whenever you are purchasing or replacing your dinnerware. Today, the company is the largest producer of porcelain products in Latin America and has been an industry leader for over 60 years. Established in 1945, the company is now located in Sao Paulo, Brazil and employs over 1,000 people.
Facts and statistics about the company
There are a number of facts and statistics about Schmidt Porcelain of Brazil that are worth mentioning, one of which is all the markets you can currently find the product in. Their main markets are:
oEastern Asia
oEastern Europe
oMiddle East
oNorth America
oSouth America
oSoutheast Asia
oWestern Europe
However, there primary customers are Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. There primary venues include porcelain dinner and tableware, but they have a wide array of products currently offered to both the home consumers and the professional chefs of the world. There annual sales volume has ranged from $10 to $50 million.
Additional facts about porcelain
It is generally assumed that various clays are what porcelain is primarily comprised of. The products manufactured by Schmidt Porcelain of Brazil are no exception to that rule. However, what many people don t realize is that there are other materials that porcelain is most commonly made from. For instance, it is not uncommon to see porcelain contain alabaster, ball clays, bone ash, feldspar, glass, petuntse, quartz, and steatite.
Additionally, porcelain is typically classified in one of three categories as follows:
Bone China now manufactured worldwide, bone China was originally manufactured in the UK in order to compete with imported porcelain
Hard paste the earlier European porcelains were considered to be this type and were comprised of a hard paste containing alabaster, kaolinite, and quartz
Soft paste soft paste porcelain dates back to the earlier attempts of some Europeans to compete with and imitate the porcelain from China, and was comprised of several materials such as clay and glass as well as (occasionally) limestone and soapstone
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