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Submitted by: P Malcolm
The Philadelphia Church of God is a non-denominational Christian church whose members are an eclectic people, of every age, race, educational and economic background. Although its headquarters campus is in Edmond, Oklahoma, its congregations are many and scattered. The church has thousands of members from 67 nations meeting in congregations around the world.
The church undertakes activities to fulfill its stated two-fold mission to 1) preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God, as well as publish the Bible s warning of the disasters that will precede Christ s Second Coming because of mankind s sins, and 2) feed its people spiritually, preparing them for service in the Kingdom of God.
For its primary commission the church sponsors a weekly television program, the Key of David. Presented by church founder and pastor general, Gerald Flurry, the program focuses on how world events are fulfilling biblical prophecies leading to the imminent return of the Messiah, as well as a warning that many of God s true people are going astray in this end time.
The PCG also publishes a news magazine, the Philadelphia Trumpet, which is produced 10 times a year and is sent free of charge to all who request it. The magazine is published in five languages and over 32 million free copies have been distributed worldwide since it began in 1990.
As part of its witness about the Kingdom of God, the church established a humanitarian arm in 1996 which operates today as the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation. The foundation currently supports an archaeological dig in Jerusalem and hosts a concert series in Edmond. The series is scheduled to move into its new home, Armstrong Auditorium, in early 2010.
To feed its people spiritually, the PCG provides several areas of assistance. Congregations often sponsor social events such as family fun shows, public speaking clubs, campouts and fund-raisers. Members attend an annual seven-day festival called the Feast of Tabernacles at locations around the world, including Australia, India, Belgium, Kenya and the Philippines; this event focuses on building Church unity and strong families through spiritual instruction and wholesome recreational activities.
The PCG publishes Royal Vision, a Christian-living magazine (available free upon request). It also publishes over 60 books and booklets (also available free upon request); a newspaper for Church members; a newsletter for Church ministry; and a weekly synopsis of prophetically important global events.
For the PCG youth, the Church sponsors annual youth camps, regional campouts, and talent exhibitions and publishes a youth magazine. Individual congregations hold regular teen Bible studies and grade-school-age Bible classes and host other youth-oriented events. Qualified high school graduates can attend Herbert W. Armstrong College, a privately supported co-educational institution located at the headquarters campus in Edmond, Oklahoma. Here, young men and women take courses in theology, liberal arts, and applied arts and sciences in preparation for worthwhile lifelong service to God and humanity.
Whether it is hosting a youth camp full of vibrant teens, a conference for ministers from around the world, or a special night of music for the public at large, the PCG s headquarters campus bustles with activity year-round. Situated 9 miles north of Oklahoma City in north Edmond, the campus is close to the conveniences of the city, yet its 170 acres also offer many of the advantages of rural American life.
PCG congregations from Chicago to Chile and from Durban to Davao share much in common. All meet weekly for Sabbath services, consisting of biblical spiritual instruction and Christian fellowship. Brethren focus on the same unified, biblical body of beliefs and submit to God s form of government outlined in the Bible. They are encouraged not to form their beliefs out of convenience or the words of men, but to prove each doctrine for themselves from the Bible itself. They pursue the same spiritual goals in an atmosphere of spiritual family.
About the Author: The
Philadelphia Church of God
is a non-denominational Christian church that teaches the way of life described in the Bible. The church, founded by
Gerald Flurry
, is made up of small congregations scattered all over the world with a small number of ordained ministers who travel frequently to serve their brethren, speaking and counseling from the Bible.
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