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Submitted by: Brenna A. Welker
You would always hear the word “Congratulations” and “Welcome” every time a couple discovers that they are having a child soon. The word congratulation is being said because of the fact that they were blessed enough to be given the chance to share their responsibility if continuing the human race not only that, the word also means that when the baby is born it signals the start of building a family together with the father and the mother. On the other hand the word welcome that is also usually said to the couple means a total change to their lives with that soon to be born baby on the mothers womb. The time the baby is born every one welcomes the angel and also the lovers to the wonderful yet extreme world of parenting. Let’s go back to the time when the mother realizes that she is bearing a child on her stomach. The realization of having something in your tummy with its own life can such be a wonderful yet scary feeling for a reason that after nine months of bearing the child on your tummy comes a big responsibility of handling your very own baby.
Having a baby can be the most glorious feeling for every mothers and fathers since this mark the new stage of their relationship as they enter the level of building a family. A child is still considered as a baby the time he/she is born up to the age where the child reaches the age of two. Between this span of time, the parents are oblige to give all their time and care for the child’s welfare. In a different manner a child can still be considered as a baby even though he/she exceeds the literal age being stated for a child to still be a baby. As long as the parents would consider their siblings as a baby then nothing else matters.
A parent is required to give everything that the baby needs especially on its first two years from being born because this is the most vulnerable time for babies. A strict supervision is needed for the parent’s part for a reason that a baby relies on the parents to give them what they need to survive. It is an essential factor for parents to take into consideration the things that needs to be done like feeding and teaching the baby how to crawl and walk. Guidance is strictly needed from parents since this stage of life for the babies is the “get to know these things stage”.
Having a baby should be thoroughly planned by a couple since the decision to have a child is one of the biggest responsibilities they can face. They are not only given the responsibility of taking care of the child but also the greater obligation of teaching the child of all the right morals and values that he/she can bring in the process of growing up. Being the perfect model for their child is also a required thing to do since the parents are the only guidance a child can truly have on the range of the process of growing up to be a good citizen of the country. Babies are so special since they are the ones who teach the greatest lesson of being responsible to the parents. A real life lesson indeed!
About the Author: Brenna A. Welker enjoys writing for Crazy Baby Clothing Company which sells
skull baby clothes
cool baby gifts
as well as a host of additional products.
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